Connected successfully .
Host information: via TCP/IP
Success: A connection to the test_db database on localhost was made.
I guess that means I've selected everything from the bikes table .
Result set has 43 rows. connection test

Fleet Bikes

Record ID Bike No. Frame No. Make Model Colour Size Supplier Date Price Warrantee Expires Home Location
DEFINE ('DB_HOST', ''); DEFINE ('DB_USER', 'lanmarque'); DEFINE ('DB_PSWD', 'lanmarque'); DEFINE ('DB_NAME', 'lanmarque'); // CREATE CONNECTION $dbconnect = mysqli_connect( DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PSWD, DB_NAME ); // CHECK CONNECTION (note "!" means NOT) if (!$dbconnect) { die ('Unable to connect to MySQL'; } echo "Connected successfully"; //echo "Host information: " . mysqli_get_host_info($dbconnect) . "
"; //echo "Success: A connection to the test database on localhost was made." . "
"; ?>